Miracle Pure white

This is an advance skin whitening supplement that contains 20 sachets.

Empty content in a cup, add water and drink 30 minutes before breakfast daily.



This is an advance glutathione formula for skin whitening

Fights lines and wrinkles

Brighten your skin 

Soften and smooth skin

Revitalizes sun-damaged skin

Evens out tone and minimize redness

Hydrates thirsty skin

Improves elasticity

Helps reduce inflammation

Eases hyperpigmentation

Calms down sunburn

May increase strength and reduce muscle soreness

May reduce symptoms of arthritis and gout

Improve cholesterol levels by decreasing total and LDL cholestero

Promotes Cell Turnover 

Contains Antioxidant and Anti-Inflammatory

It’s all in one 

Weight 0.8 kg

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